Monday, January 17, 2011

My Favorite Breakfast in Hong Kong

My name is Tsz Wai Kwok (you can call me Iris),  I was born and raised in Hong Kong. I came to United States 4 years ago to study aborad. I went to community college for two years and a current student at UCSD. I would like to use this blog to share my experiences about my home country- Hong Kong to all of you! In this blog, I am going to share my 5 favorite of Hong Kong and I hope you will know more about my city and definitely hope you will come to visit this city in the cuture!

For my first post, I want to share the food we eat for breakfast in Hong Kong. In United States, I am always hurry to go to class so I don't really have time to make a big breakfast(sometimes I don't eat breakfast). I usually eat a yogurt or a bowl of cereal in the morning. However, I don't really like having cereal for breakfast! I think it is hard to chew!
a bowl of rice congee

Here is a link of recipe of congee :
And a YouTube Cooking video tutorial to show you how to make congee

In Hong Kong, I usually eat rice congee or steamed bun for breakfast. Sometimes I will have rice noodle too!Why people usually eat this for breakfast? It is because rice congee is easy and fast to make and easily digestible food. Perfect for morning! All you need to do is put rice into boiling water and wait until it is cooked. You can add meat like pork or chicken to make a different flavors! When it is cooked, you can also add seasonings like salt, soy sauce, pepper or hot sauce. My favourite is chicken with rice congee and I like to eat it with soy sauce. On the other hand, congee is consider as the perfect meal for people who are sick. Besides rice congee, I will have steamed bun for breakfast. Steamed bun and rice congee are both traditional Chinese food. People use flour and water to make a dough, then we put meat inside and then steam it until it is cooked. I think it tastes really good! It is obvious that I don't have time to make a dough every morning. In stead, I will buy some frozen one. It is ready to eat after you reheat it at home.  
steamed bun

Sometimes I have rice noodle for breakfast, and I would rather have it for lunch. I think rice noodle is kind of heavy for morning and I will be so full after I eat this. Rice noodles are made with rice flour and water. I will put the rice noodle in soup. It is similar to rice congee. The only different is that rice congee is more soup like and easier to digest.   
Rice noodle
I hope all of you can have a chance to try Chinese food for breakfast sometimes! When I came to United States, I have experienced lot of culture differences between Hong Kong and US. I hope this blog can let you know more about me and share my lifestyle in Hong Kong.


  1. I don't really like eating cereal in the mornings either. I always wake up cold and I end up shivering from the coldness when I eat a cold bowl of cereal in the morning. I never had rice congee for breakfast before but that definitely sounds good for morning food: warm, easy to eat, and not too filling. Thanks for posting up the recipe for that dish! Now I can experience congee for breakfast one of these mornings.

  2. You really should try congee for breakfast! Yeah...I agree with you that having a cold bowl of cereal in the morning is not a very good idea in winter!

  3. Mmm this is making me really hungry! I'm used to fixing my own breakfast of oatmeal or scrambled eggs but this post describes a very different type of breakfast. I’m somewhat familiar with Asian foods. My mom is from Taiwan and she usually has some type of noodle soup for breakfast or fried eggs with rice in the morning, which I thoroughly enjoy and think is very tasty. I really enjoyed this post because of the recipes you gave. They’re super helpful! Are there any restaurants that you’ve tried here in San Diego that has delicious congee? Or is there a favorite brand of steamed buns that you always buy? I would really like to try both of them!
